Introduction of Data, information, Database, and DBMS. Class 12 Unit -2

What is Data?   

In general, data is any set of characters that has been gathered and translated for some purpose, usually analysis. It can be any character, including text and numbers, pictures, sound, or footage. If data is not put into context, or it doesn't give any information, it doesn't do anything to a human or computer.


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Wha is Information. 

When we collect and process data using a computer program or software, they converted it to a meaningful result called information. Information is an organized collection of related data which gives a complete sense. 

What is (Database Management System) DBMS 

The database is a collection of related data and data is a collection of facts and figures that can be processed to produce information. A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.

There are three major things in the database management system 

  1. Data 

  2. A database engine (access, lock, and modification )

  3. Database schema (database logical structure or blueprint of database representation)

These three foundational elements help provide concurrency(fact), security, data integrity, and uniform administration procedures.

Way of data access form Database with DBMS by user

The user communicates to the DBMS interface for an efficient and faster way of fulfilling her requirement

Different programs to 

INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and query database for information

Advantages of the Database management system 

  1. Sharing data 

  2. Reduced data redundancy 

  3. Data backup and recovery 

  4. Inconsistency avoid (duplicate data remove)

  5. Data integrity 

  6. Data security 

  7. Data independence 

  8. Multiple user interfaces 

  9. Process complex query 

The disadvantage of Database : 

  1. Expensive 

  2. Changing technology 

  3. Needs technical training 

  4. Backup is needed

Objective Of DBMS

•Data is an organizational resource. It should be collected, validated, protected, logically organized, and stored with controlled redundancy. This is the organizational database. One of the main objectives of DBMS is to facilitate the sharing of a database by current and future applications

• DBMS must ensure data independence for programs

•Data independence to be provided to application programs

•Data independence allows

-Change of database without affecting application programs

-Change of hardware or system software without affecting application programs

-Sharing of data by different applications by providing views appropriate for the application

• Control of Redundancy – Avoid unnecessary duplication

• Relations between data items specified

• Data integrity – maintain consistency of data values

• Data Security – Permit access to data to authorized users only

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